Chances are, selling your business will be the single most significant financial event of your lifetime. Given what’s at stake, with all you’ve done, with all you’ve worked for, we will be in your corner listening closely, negotiating thoughtfully and executing precisely.
Sell Side: Strategy, Negotiation, Momentum
Odds are, if you own all or part of a business, you’ve poured a meaningful piece of your life into building and sustaining its value. Selling your company will be one of the most impactful events of your life, financial or otherwise, no matter where you are in the process – from receiving an unsolicited offer, to having potentially identified the right buyer, to ensuring the options have been fully explored.
Understanding your options, capitalizing on your strengths, and anticipating potential pitfalls can make or break the deal. No two M&A situations are identical, but one thing remains true. Managing the process, needs, and desires of the numerous parties at interest will be an intense and sometimes daunting undertaking. Our ability to distance you from the emotional and tedious aspects of the process, and keep everyone focused on the larger goal will be beneficial to you in ways you most likely won’t grasp until you are in the moment.
Many possible outcomes, one right result.
We’ll work with you on:
- Outlining goals and objectives
- Exploring the pros and cons of various alternatives
- Determining valuation and pre-diligence and scenario preparation
- Developing confidential marketing materials
- Conducting the initial buyer outreach / communication
- Screening and vetting initial offers
- Facilitating management presentations
- Negotiating a letter of intent
- Managing due diligence and ongoing negotiation
- Handling crucial logistics and closing
Acuity’s professionals bring a unique and comprehensive blend of experience to bear on any transaction. We’ve advised our M&A clients through transactions involving broad auctions with strategic buyers and financial sponsors, negotiated sales with large publicly traded buyers, minority recapitalizations, and various other forms of sophisticated transaction types.
Buy Side: Candor, Vigilance, Clarity
Business owners and senior leadership teams start with Acuity to develop clarity of purpose for the overall acquisition strategy. We help you assure that acquisition is the right strategy, what criteria will best help assess acquisition candidates, and how to maximize insight from limited available information.
We identify the realistic transaction terms, funding sources, and additional resources needed to successfully execute an acquisition plan. Our analytical framework and tailored approach will provide informed and objective feedback to facilitate prudent decision making in a tight timeframe. We’ll work with you on through the:
- Initial search and screening
- Valuation and return metrics
- Transaction structuring
- Negotiation and letter of intent
- Coordination of due diligence
- Placement of transaction financing
- Logistics and closing
*Certain Investment Banking Services through: Edgewater Capital, LLC Member FINRA/SIPC